Most Common Causes of Garage Door Damage

When you’re in a hurry to jump in your car to run errands, the last issue that you don’t want to deal with is garage door damage. A stuck or damaged garage door can ruin your day and cause you tons of frustration. When your door malfunctions, you may also not have the right tools or knowledge to deal with the problem.

How long is a garage door expected to last? According to experts, garage doors are known to last for as long as fifteen to thirty years. However, there are certain critical factors that can interfere with their lifespan. This article explores the most common causes that can lead to garage door damage.

Vehicle Accident

If you’re not paying attention, you can accidentally put your vehicle in the wrong gear, which could potentially cause you to slam into your garage door. This type of accident can cause dents and cracks. The springs could also weaken or malfunction from the impact of your vehicle.

Broken Springs

Broken garage door springs occur from normal wear and tear. The main function of garage door springs is to open and close your garage door. It is known that springs are engineered for at least 10,000 cycles. Your doors won’t function properly once there are broken springs. 

When you notice a failure in your springs, you must contact the professionals to replace them. You should avoid doing DIY because an experienced professional has the skill and knowledge to accurately install the right cycle springs.

No Maintenance

The key to the longevity of your garage doors is proper maintenance and ongoing care. You could be in the habit of not paying attention to your doors until something serious happens. Your garage door should not be an afterthought, especially if you use your doors every day. 

Garage door issues can occur at any time and could be too expensive for you to repair. So, regular maintenance may help you to extend the lifespan of your garage door and avoid unnecessary expenses.

 Hiring professionals to care for your garage door also helps to keep your home safe, get hardware protection, and keep your door in pristine condition.

Professional Services Can Help

At some point, you may have to deal with a serious issue with your garage door that you’re unable to fix. It’s best for you to not ignore the issue or assume that it won’t get worse.

It is a good idea for you to contact a professional garage expert when something goes wrong. You also have the convenience to get help from experts for a routine check-up to ensure that all the parts on your garage door are working properly.